Thursday, April 5, 2012

Easte triduum and the Lord of the Rings

So, Now that the Easter Triduum has officially started, I felt I should post on it.  We are blessed to live about 10 minutes away from a great charismatic parish which boasts a great community, full of strong faithful Catholics, a priest who's goal in life is to spread the news of "a savior who loves to save" (not to mention he's a great homilist, he rides a Harley, and is a black belt in karate).  And now you're wondering where the Lord of the Rings comes in...?

 In our family, we always had a tradition of watching the series right around Easter time...this year we saw the first on Wednesday of Holy week, we're seeing The two Towers tonight (Holy Thursday), leaving Good Friday open to watch the Passion (a great movie, but probably not the best for little kids) and triumphantly finishing with the Return of the King on Holy Saturday.

 Why?  My dad always saw these movies as the reincarnation of Easter because throughout the first two (and most of the third) movie, Frodo is carrying the ring, like Christ carried his cross and OUR SINS.  Frodo chose to carry the ring to save his people, the way Christ chose to carry our faults and sins to save US.  Thought the first two movies are masterfully done, there ends leave you wanting for more, waiting for the joyful end. The Return of the King (Yup...that would be Jesus in our case) brings a new world full of hope and a new beginning...see where I'm going with this?

Basically, I want to wish you all a lovely Easter, and give you an excuse to go on a LOTR binge...enjoy!

Questions? Concerns? Criticisms?  Let me know in the comments!

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